Your initial visit will typically consist of a in depth examination of your gum, bone, tooth health, and any appropriate x-rays. We will also perform an oral cancer screening. At this appointment we will recommend the type of cleaning that is right for you. Often times, we will complete your cleaning at this appointment and recommend regular future cleanings and exams every 6 months. If certain conditions in the gum and bone are present we may recommend a separate appointment for your cleaning and more frequent recalls. We value your time and will always try to keep your dental visits to a minimum.

Please assist us in maximizing your appointment time by providing the following information available (if applicable) at the time of your initial visit:

  • Any dental x-rays that were previously taken
    • (you may request that your previous dentist email them here)
  • Your insurance information and a copy of your insurance card
  • A list of medications you are currently taking

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